Each chapter decides what activities to offer in and with their congregations, ministers, church worship teams, or chapter members. From worship services, discussion groups, book studies, workshops, film series, field trips, and other activities with a Pagan focus. Some publish a newsletter to keep members informed, while others use social media, postings to their congregation's website, or have their own e-newsletter lists.
To start a chapter, we suggest working with your congregation and create one activity for your congregation. If people show up, keep going. Once you develop some consistency in programming, you can begin the conversation of creating a chapter of CUUPS.
CUUPS chapters are run by people who are members of the congregation, CUUPS, and come regularly to the chapter events! It is highly suggested the governing body of a chapter all be members of the congregation with a commitment to the growth and well being of the church. CUUPS chapters are not independent of the church, nor are they led by people who are not Unitarian Universalists.
Chapters create their own programming that is in alignment with Unitarian Universalist Purposes and Principles. We ask that you also be aware of the resolutions and commitments the national organization operates inside of.
Chapters are a safe space for those who are spiritually inspired by Paganism, earth/nature centered thinking, and those who honor the earth as a spiritual home. This can include depending on the cultural landscape those from a variety of earth/nature centered thinking. Some chapters have members who may be Native American, Santerian, Asatru, Wiccan, and so on. Chapters also are open and welcoming to LGBTQIA+ peoples and people from many lifestyle backgrounds who honor these traditions. Check with the local chapter to make sure children are welcome at events and if there are activities for them.
All are Welcome!