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"Spiritual teachings of Earth-centered traditions which
celebrate the sacred circle of life and instruct  us to
live in harmony with the rhythms of nature."

The Sixth Source of Affirmation
of the Unitarian Universalist Association

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UU World

The Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA) has a quarterly magazine called UU World for its member congregations. Voting Members of congregations received a free subscriptions as a benefit. The publication dates back almost two-hundred years: Universalist Magazine was founded in 1819 and the Unitarian Christian Register in 1821.

UU World's purpose supports its readers live within UU Purposes and Principles in their personal lives, congregations,communities, and the world. It is informational and useful. 

Current issue and archives of UU World can be found at their companion website.

Connections Magazine

Connections Magazine started out as a general interest Pagan magazine for Colorado residents started in the early 1990's by Robin and Summer Woodsong. Over the next few years, it quickly grew into a nationally distributed, and then the Woodsongs discovered Unitarian Universalism and CUUPS and saw that this magazine had the potential to do for both. Also, while the distribution of the magazine and greatly increase (and the work required to keep it going) in the late 1990's it was only doing slightly better the "break-even" financially.

The Woodsongs gave the magazine over to CUUPS in the Fall of 1999 in hopes that CUUPS had access to folks with the skills and the time to let the publication really flourish and that it would give CUUPS (and by extension Unitarian Universalism) a magazine that was even more widely distributed that the UUA flagship magazine UU World.

For much of the first year, it went really well. CUUPS membership soared, and we had a magazine that was available at practically every major bookstore and metaphysical shop in the US. Then, in late 2000 the dot com bubble burst, and CUUPS lost much of its donor base, then the next year advertising sales for the magazine tanked and to cap it off our primary distributor filed for bankruptcy not only owing CUUPS several thousand dollars, but also leaving us without a way to distribute the magazine. Regretfully, the CUUPS board decided to cease publication of the magazine in late 2001.

For a couple years after Connections ceased publication, the Woodsong's maintained the magazine's old stand-alone website which had a full archive of the magazine's articles. However, that website went inactive a few years ago. We do have a some of the articles from Connections available to us and will be linking them to this page over time.

Content & Text © Covenant of Unitarian Universalist Pagans | Photographs in the header are from various CUUPS groups and members.

CUUPS Membership Services
2692 Madison Rd., Suite 216
Cincinnati, OH 45208

Phone: 330-892-8877 
(330-892-CUUPS) Leave a message and we will get back to you.


Written materials belong to the Covenant of Unitarian Universalist Pagans, Inc. or the authors who have contributed the work.

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