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"Spiritual teachings of Earth-centered traditions which
celebrate the sacred circle of life and instruct  us to
live in harmony with the rhythms of nature."

The Sixth Source of Affirmation
of the Unitarian Universalist Association

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Chapter Materials

CUUPS Brochure 

Have developed a new full color tri-fold brochure CUUPs chapters can use. Currently we are investigating how to best distribute it.

In the meanwhile, we invite you to take a look here and consider using the "The Faith of UU Pagans" brochure. 

Resources from the UUA Website

Chapter Manual

This Chapter Manual outlines best practices for chapters and congregational leaders to support a healthy relationship and strong chapter. The manual is structures to go into a binder to easily add new pages along the way.

If you or your chapter have suggestions for topics you would like this manual to cover please contact the Chapter Coordinator.

New UU Pagan Study Group

Are you thinking about starting a chapter? Are there enough people at the church with this interest? Take a look at  "New UU Pagan Study Group Checklist"  for some guidance.

Files to Print the CUUPS Brochure

This brochure is for chapters to get printed for use in their local congregations for church events, Pagan Pride, or other conferences where your group will be participating. The design and text are copyrighted by CUUPS, Inc. and the images were purchased for use in this brochure and official CUUPS materials. 

We highly recommend for printing the brochure. The files can be uploaded to their site. The brochure flat after printing is 8" wide x 9" tall and folds in half. The file is set up to include the bleed areas of the cover. We recommend a 80 lb. paper stock.

If you have any questions please contact

Brochure Side 1

Brochure Side 2

Content & Text © Covenant of Unitarian Universalist Pagans | Photographs in the header are from various CUUPS groups and members.

CUUPS Membership Services
2692 Madison Rd., Suite 216
Cincinnati, OH 45208

Phone: 330-892-8877 
(330-892-CUUPS) Leave a message and we will get back to you.


Written materials belong to the Covenant of Unitarian Universalist Pagans, Inc. or the authors who have contributed the work.

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